Movies At Dog Farm Headquarters in Weyers Cave, VA |
It's a great, hard working bunch of folks running the sites that are participating, and I encourage everyone to check them out either by using the link above or Other Dogs Barking in the sideboard. Be sure to Like, Share, Comment, or Follow when you visit. It only takes a click or two, and digital word-of-mouth is the lifeblood of these sites.
It was with initial trepidation that I embarked on this venture, and I've been so pleased to discover that just about everyone I've come into contact with so far has been friendly, helpful, and encouraging. My day job is in retail sales, where I frequently see the very worst of human nature. It makes me happy that I've found such a nice - and talented - bunch of people in the blogosphere.
Finally, just a bit of housekeeping . . . Movies At Dog Farm now has an official fan page on Facebook. The group page labeled Movies At Dog Farm is still open, as well. All future links to this site will appear in both places.
Thanks to all for the continued patronage, and be sure to mark your calendars for the upcoming Ultimate Gore-A-Thon. You can also RSVP for the Event on Facebook here.